Our team includes scientists with specialized training in bioinformatics, biostatistics, cardiology, epidemiology, and statistical genetics.
The opening of the medical campus in Davos Wolfgang in 2019 marked a significant milestone. The independent partners CK-CARE (Christine Kühne – Center for Allergy Research and Education), SIAF (Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research), HGK (High Altitude Clinic) Davos, Cardio-CARE AG, and Davos BioSciences AG are working closely together to establish a unique center in this field. The campus building was completed and became operational in mid-2019.
Klaus-Michael Kühne
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Bieber
Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Stefan Blankenberg
Board of Directors
Dr. Jörg Dräger
Board of Directors
Karl Gernandt
Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Gregor Zünd
Board of Directors